
Calgary Herald

1948-06-26 Page 7

Vulcan Lions Hold Elections

By Herald Correspondent

VULCAN-- Officers elected for the coming year at the annual meeting of the Vulcan Lions Club on Monday evening were: President, Charles Fulton; first vice-president, C. H. Andrews; second vice-president, Martin Gottenberg; secretary-treasurer, G. A. Sales (re-elected); Lion tamer, Earl Erickson; tail twister, Chauncey Layman. Directors: One-year term, A. G. Saxby and Oliver Reidd; two-year term, Gordon Clayton and Ross Walker.

 Major John Steele, public relations officer of the Salvation Army for Southern Alberta was the guest speaker at the dinner meeting and outlined the work and aims of the Salvation Army.

THE ANNUAL report showed the club had enjoyed a must useful and successful year. They are again in charge of the operation of the Lions swimming pool, and work will begin immediately on beautification of the local cemetery, which is the project the club has set for the summer. Committees were named to attend to plans and allot work.

The sum of $100 was voted for flood relief in British Columbia.

Extracted by J. Kynman 2015-12-06