

Calgary Herald

1953-05-25 Page 6


Mrs. D. A. Hansen Heads Central High School H.S.A. 

The following slate of officers of Central High School Home and School Association for 1953-54 was installed by Mrs. George Webb at the May meeting held in the school auditorium.
Honorary president, Mrs. George Foster; honorary member, Miss L. Kaulback; past president, Mrs. C. M. Snow; president, Mrs. D. A. Hansen; first vice-president, Mrs. J. C. Sproule; second vice-president, Mrs. J. Leslie Hill; third vice-president, Mr. Earl Newcombe; fourth vice-president, Mr. J. W. Churchill; fifth vice-president, Miss Minnie Suitor; recording secretary, Mrs. Barbara Baker; corresponding secretary, Mrs. R. H. King; treasurer, Mrs. O. B. Whitman.
Conveners: program, Mrs. C. D. Jenkins and Mrs. W. B. Cromarty; social, Mrs. Ed Gooder, Mrs. J. H. Baker, Mrs. J. A. Forster; telephone, Mrs. Collier Maberley; membership, Mrs. Fred Babet; reception, Mrs. F. B. Singleton; sick and visiting, Mrs. L. W. Marlor; child and family welfare, Mrs. John Willsher; press, Mrs. L. G. Bartlett; Calgary Council H.S.A., Mrs. J. B. Calder; United Nations Association, Mrs. Louise Pearlman; community standards, Mrs. R. L. Althouse; radio-visual, Mrs. G. S. Middleton.
Miss Marie Attwood sang two solos accompanied by Miss May Powell.
DR VICTOR E. GRAHAM of the Calgary branch, University of Alberta, in his talk on "What the Branch has to Offer," told the audience that the first year of commerce would be offered this fall as well as the first year of the three year pass course and the first year of the four year honor course in arts and science.
Mrs. H. J. W. ten Broeke reported on plans for the graduation dinner and dance to be held on June 5 in honor of the graduating class. Mrs. R. S. Woodford is convener.
 Mrs. C. M. Snow presided at the meeting.

Extracted by J. Kynman 2014-11-01