
Calgary Herald

1954-01-15 Page 6

Miss Mary Lore Elected President Of W.M.S. Branch

Miss Mary Lore was elected president of the evening auxiliary, W.M.S. of Hillhurst United Church at the recent annual meeting. Mrs. R. F. Berry, president of the afternoon auxiliary, installed the following executive:
Past president, Mrs. David Nichol; first and second vice-presidents, Mrs. John Cocks and Mrs. J. R. McCormack, respectively; treasurer, Miss Louise Rannie; and recording and corresponding secretaries, Mrs. E. J. McConnell and Mrs. Herbert Leah, respectively. 
Elected supply secretary was Miss Jeanne Hunt; literature, Mrs. John Paterson; friendship, Mrs. D. A. MacNeil; Missionary Monthly, Miss Thelma Crozier; baby band, Mrs. Elmore Cook; press, Mrs. William McLeod; pianist, Miss Henrietta Staples; and social, Mrs. H. E. Lennox.
Reports showed an increase in Baby Band members and covered visits to the Central Alberta sanatorium, and gifts for the mission school in B.C., and it was announced that the allocation had been slightly exceeded.

Extracted by J. Kynman 2015-02-24