
Calgary Herald

1954-02-03 Page 6

Mrs. Moors Re-Elected To Head Presbyterial 

A successful year was reviewed in reports of WMS Auxiliaries of the Presbyterian Church in the Calgary Presbyterial during the 40th annual session Tuesday in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Mrs. J. G. Moors, who was re-elected president for a second term, presided.
RAISE $3,407
During 1953 the women raised $3,407 to further missionary work of the church and contributed $210 to the supply fund. In addition 380 pounds of good used clothing, bedding and layettes were sent to the Indian reserve at Rossburn, Man. and clothing given to John Laurie for use of Alberta Indians.
Present membership in the five Auxiliaries in the Calgary Presbyterial stands at 232 it was reported.
Sale of WMS literature netted $124 to the Presbyterial treasury while subscriptions to the WMS publication, Glad Tidings, totalled 244 for the year. Copies of the magazine are placed in the railway stations and bus depot as well as other central points it was reported.
A report from the welcome and welfare convener showed regular visits made to 13 newcomers in the Presbyterial with 1,000 visits to sick and shut-ins.
Membership in Mission Band and Explorer groups of the church showed an increase of 44 with 101 Mission Band members and 75 children enrolled in the Explorer groups. While membership was up, however, voluntary givings showed a decrease from $40 to $22.
Mrs. Moors outlined the work being done by women of the Hungarian Presbyterian Church. While majority of women did not speak English and it was necessary for WMS literature to be translated Hungarian members attend Presbyterial sessions as often as possible and introduce some phase of missionary work at each of their meetings. They also send medicines to Hungary which are unobtainable there and in this way are saving many lives and doing real missionary work Mrs. Moors contended.
Following a lengthy discussion the meeting passed a resolution urging that part of the peace thank-offering fund be made available to finance tuition fees for young women taking deaconess training. The recommendation will be forwarded to the WMS Synodical and Dominion Council.
Mrs. Murdo McIver reported 45 delegates in attendance from the five auxiliaries in the Presbyterial.
In view of the high costs of transportation for northern delegates if sessions of the Synodical were held in Banff this year the meeting voted to write Red Deer asking that the Synodical be held in the latter centre which was more central for northern members. Mrs. J. Marshall was named to represent the Calgary Presbyterial at Synodical sessions.
Following report of the nominating committee by Mrs. W. H. Cheal, Mrs. J. H. Jamieson installed the following officers for the year:
Vice-presidents, Mrs. A. F. Howick, Mrs. A. C. Low, and Mrs. C. J. Davidson, Three Hills, Alberta; recording secretary, Mrs. J. K. Meaton; corresponding secretary, Miss Agnes McKergow; treasurer, Mrs. John Marshall, Miss Edna Sproule; young women's secretary, Miss Maisie McChesney; girls' organizations secretary, Miss Margaret McLagan, Mrs. W. H. Cheal; home helpers' secretary, Mrs. C. Allan; library secretary, Miss Jean McLagan; literature secretary, Mrs. A. K. Robinson; welcome and welfare secretary, Mrs. W. Gilbert; supply secretary, Mrs. T. Burns; Glad Tidings secretary, Mrs. Peter Rinn; press secretary, Mrs. A. W. Dunsmore; historian, Mrs. J. C. Metcalfe.
Appointed on the nominations committee were, Mrs. M. Barroll, Mrs. William Gilbert, Mrs. M. C. McLeod and Mrs. J. G. Moors. Lloyd Dalgleish was appointed auditor.
Rev. J. McLeod addressed the evening session when reports showed 100 members in the evening department of the WMS who gave $961 to the Presbyterial treasury during the year. The group also subscribed for 41 issues of Glad Tidings. Membership in the CGIT was reported as 76 with contributions of $25 for the year. Major project of the girls was a mother and daughter banquet for which they affiliated with the WMS. Members of the young women's groups donated $145 to the Presbyterial during 1953 an increase of $30 over the previous year.
Members of St. Andrew's junior choir and Pleasant Heights church choir provided musical selections at closing sessions.

Extracted by J. Kynman 2015-06-21