
Calgary Herald

1954-02-11 Page 6

Women's Press Club Elects Miss Georgia Henderson 

Members of the Calgary Women's Press Club elected Miss Georgia Henderson, assistant women's editor of The Albertan, president at their annual dinner meeting held recently at the home of Mrs. Cecil Palmer. She succeeds Miss Mary Biner, publicity director for the Canadian Red Cross.
Plans for the first By-Line Ball, to be held Feb. 25 at the Al-San Club, were completed.
NEWSPAPER, advertising and radio personnel are expected to attend from all over Alberta. Mrs. Dick 
Curtis and Miss Florence Thorpe reported on arrangements for the entertainment and Mrs. P. V. Borgal outlined the publicity campaign.
Mrs. Palmer, retiring secretary and chairman of the invitation committee, reported clubs had been contacted and invitations had been sent out. Mrs. S. W. T. Jones was named to head a central committee in charge of invitations and those wishing to make reservations for the ball are asked to call her at 31597. Out-of-town guests are asked to contact Miss Pat Lundy at CFCN for reservations.
MISS MARY BINER reviewed the year's activities which included a presentation of "Cinderella" by the Children's Theatre, directed by Jack Medhurst; the annual Stampede luncheon at which visiting press and radio personalities were entertained and the writing awards for the club were presented; the luncheon for the editors of the high school newspapers. 
Mrs. W. Norman Smith, retiring treasurer, reported that the year 1953 had been disappointing as far as finances were concerned, with a balance of only $68 in the treasury.
OTHER OFFICERS elected to the new executive slate were: First vice-president, Mrs. W. Norman Smith; 
secretary, Mrs. P. V. Borgal; treasurer, Miss Pat Lundy; Newspacket correspondent, Mrs. Sally Sinclair. Mrs. Smith was also appointed to represent the club at a film being shown in conjunction with Brotherhood Week.
Committee conveners will be named at the March meeting.
Mrs. Andrew Snaddon was welcomed back after residing in London and Ottawa for the past two years. Mrs. Snaddon, the former Miss Jocelyn Sara, was the club's first secretary.

Extracted by J. Kynman 2015-03-22