


Calgary Herald

1964-12-10 Page 14


Gleichen Teacher Honored

(Herald Correspondent)
GLEICHEN-- Mrs. Norma Sherback, former Gleichen school teacher and vice-principal for 18 years, was honored this week when the school's junior high wing was dedicated in her memory.
Mrs. Sherback retired last June.
She has a total of 28 years' teaching experience.
A banquet was held with more than 200 former students, school staff and representatives from Wheatland schools, local school board, county council, and Home and School Association attending.
Following the banquet, student wards were presented.
Winners, $25 awards: Robert Gibson, Grade XII; Ronald Warner, Grade IX; honor pins, Ronald Warner, Gail Jensen, Donald Wilson, Donald Jensen, Sandra Dmetrichuk, Audrey Bolinger, Craig Acott, Darcy Dmetrichuk, Wendy Saure, Kathy Park; merit certificates: Murray Douglas, Douglas Murray, Susan Bolinger, Joanne Bogstie, Susan Frazer, Ross Warner, Richard Kanik, Robin Risseevw, Candis Galbraith, Sally Frazer, Joanne Jensen, Clara Jo Kilcup; $100 scholarships: Ronald Warner, Murray Douglas; Remembrance Day essay awards: Kathleen Gordon, Wanda Watson, Susan Bolinger, Valerie Borger.

Extracted by J. Kynman 2012-06-24